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A Message to Victims of Harassment This site was primarily created as a resource of information that could be provided to individuals and organizations as documentation of the technologies that exist, how they are applied and, ultimately, to demostrate how they can and are being abused. We purposely chose not to focus on identifying victims and countermeasures to electronic harasmment and gangstalking because 1) there are numerous other sites which provide more robust discussions of symptoms of electronic harassment and 2) determining the difference between experiencing electronic harassment or gangstalking and mental illness is best left to the individual by hearing stories of other people's experiences and comparing them to their own. There is no set of doctors or law enforcement agencies prepared to assist you. Most have never heard of these crimes or technologies. There are some very good groups and sites listed on the right that will able to assist you in identifying the signs and symptoms of electronic harassment and gang-stalking (also known as multi-stalking). If you are being harassed, these signs will be obvious to you. It's important to note that many of the manifestations of harassment are, by design, intended to make your complaints and stories of what you experience make it seem as though you are mentally ill. The best advice is to take the time to look at these sites, find comfort in the "group support" they provide, understand you are not alone, and that progress is being made toward informing the people who need to be informed that such harassment exists, and that the harm it causes is real. Check out these sites before continuing discussions about your experiences with other people, because there are potential consequences for speaking to professionals and law enforcement agencies regarding your experiences. Again, these sites and forums will provide you with practical advice on many of these issues. Many of these sites are operated by victims of electronic harassment and gangstalking, some of them whose harassment dates back to as long ago as 1985. For people who think they may be victims, we recommend that you take a few minutes to read these articles
These will likely answer many of your questions.
Links for people who believe they are being electronically harassed or gangstalked
(c) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006, 2007 DemocraticFundamentalism.org, All Rights Reserved |